apropos of nothing

OiNK Founder Will Be in Really Big Trouble — Just As Soon As Police Figure Out What He’s Done Wrong

Courtesy of Oink.cd

Twenty-four-year-old OiNK founder Alan Ellis, who was arrested on suspicion of “conspiracy to defraud and copyright infringement” Tuesday following a raid on his much-loved BitTorrent site, has been released from police custody with no charges filed. Now he’s back and chatting online about his detainment:

“The police had very limited technical knowledge, which made the interview quite amusing actually. I wasn’t willing to teach them how to use a computer. They actually wanted me to teach them how to set up a website. I just told them to Google it.”

Ellis says the earliest his case could go to trial is December 26, though he notes that this is unlikely. One thing is for sure, though: By the time police and the record industry figure out what to charge him with, someone will definitely have invented an easier, more efficient, less traceable way to steal music.

OiNK speaks! [OiNK Memorial]

OiNK Founder Will Be in Really Big Trouble — Just As Soon As Police Figure Out What He’s Done Wrong