apropos of nothing

OiNK Shut Down! Music Pirates Weep!

Courtesy of Oink.cd

It pains us to write this (particularly since we still have to find MP3s for today’s Right-Click column), but OiNK, the all-time greatest music-piracy Website in history, has been shut down by British and Dutch authorities, and the site’s 24-year-old administrator arrested on suspicion of “conspiracy to defraud and infringement of copyright law.” The raid was apparently the culmination of a two-year investigation into the popular British BitTorrent hub by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (which seems ridiculous since we found this in about two minutes) in collaboration with Interpol (who we never would have expected!). Saddest of all is that it will be one or two whole days before a new, better music-downloading site takes OiNK’s place.

Music Piracy Web Site Closed After UK, Dutch Raids [Reuters]

OiNK Shut Down! Music Pirates Weep!