apropos of nothing

Michael Phelps Is the ‘Young Jeezy of the Swim World,’ Asserts Young Jeezy

Photo: Getty Images, AFP

Doing way more than his fair share on a slow news day, coke-rap titan Young Jeezy has given a tremendous interview to Rolling Stone in which he very reasonably claims, “I’m a big fan of Michael Phelps! He’s like the Young Jeezy of the swim world.” The rapper sadly admits that he himself can not be the Young Jeezy of the swim world, mostly because he’s never been swimming (“Somebody threw me in a pool once when I was younger and I had to work it out, but other than that, no”). But Jeezy says he’s already been in contact with the Olympian whose historic eight gold-medal wins are doubtlessly the athletic equivalent of his two double-platinum albums about slinging cocaine. “I reached out and his people got back to me … You don’t go over there and win that many medals, man. Maybe he can lend me one for a video or something.”

Young Jeezy: “Michael Phelps Is the Young Jeezy of the Swim World” [Rolling Stone]

Michael Phelps Is the ‘Young Jeezy of the Swim World,’ Asserts Young Jeezy