trailer mix

Romantics Trailer Filled With Angst, Longing, and People You Will Recognize

The trailer for The Romantics, the upcoming Galt Niederhoffer dramedy, is scored and costumed like some sort of Garden State: Five Years Later revival; all moody glances, gray skies, and crimped hair. However, a trailer that at first seems to indicate just another angsty love triangle quickly becomes a (fun!) game of “Hey, it’s … !”: Hey, it’s Sookie Stackhouse! It’s Frodo! It’s Seth Cohen! It’s Suri’s mom! It’s Quinn from Glee! But then it slowly sinks in that the whole plot revolves around the ever-doltish Josh Duhamel, and that’s when you start to get worried …

Romantics Trailer Filled With Angst, Longing, and People You Will Recognize