Saturday Night Live: The Board Game Is a Real Thing

Holy smokes, there is an SNL board game. It’s just out now to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the show, as is traditional with 35th anniversaries. It looks to be a relatively-straightforward trivia game in which you pick a decade of SNL history and try to answer questions about it (they might as well not even include a deck of questions about the 80s, right?).

It mixes up the standard trivia game format in a few ways. First, one person must play as Lorne, the gamemaster. They decide who is winning or losing at any given time, but can never tell or even hint at where people stand to the rest of the players. If you have a female player on your team, she will be the first to be kicked out of the game if you don’t score enough points. And the winner of the game gets a successful movie career, while the loser has to find out that they lost their job by reading about it in the trades.

OK, nothing in that last paragraph is true. But still! [via]

Saturday Night Live: The Board Game Is a Real Thing