groundhog day

Happy Ned Ryerson Day!

Today is the annual American holiday known as Groundhog Day, which means the Internet has all the reason it needs to call up Stephen Toblowsky — better known as the movie Groundhog Day’s classic insurance man, Ned Ryerson — and have him talk about Groundhog Day. He gave Moviefone three funny stories tangentially related to the flick, and this one’s our favorite: “I was in the Bahamas shooting [a] movie … A family got on the elevator. The husband did a double take when he saw me and asked what I was doing here. I said, ‘Working.’ He said, ‘You’re kidding — you guys have gone international?’ I said, ‘We go where they tell us to go.’ He was very impressed. Then he started asking questions about his policy. I got a little lost and apologized. I told him I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. He said, ‘You signed me to a big life insurance policy.’ He was certain. Finally his wife intervened and said, ‘No, honey. This isn’t our real insurance man; he was the insurance man in that movie.’” And there’s actual real-world Stephen Toblowsky news, too! The legend will be appearing on an upcoming episode of Community, as a professor teaching a class on Who’s the Boss? who goes head-to-head with pop-culture geek Abed.

Bing! Stephen Tobolowsky on How ‘Groundhog Day’ Changed His Life [Moviefone]
Community Scoop: Greendale Enrolls In Who’s the Boss? History Class [TVLine]

Happy Ned Ryerson Day!