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Stephen Baldwin Recommends Skipping Thor for Salvation

Photo: Larry Busacca/2011 Getty Images
Photo: Larry Busacca/2011 Getty Images

At last night’s screening of Thor, hosted by the Cinema Society and Acura, Stephen Baldwin said that when he used to play Superman with the rest of the Baldwin clan, it didn’t go so well. “I was the youngest of six, so it was me jumping off the roof really, really thinking I could fly and discovering immediately that it would not work that way at all,” he said. Perhaps that soured him on superheroes, since when Vulture asked him about the tattoo on the back of his neck — “It’s from the Bible. The Book of John; Book Three, Verse Thirty” — Baldwin recommended skipping the screening to go find religion. “You should go home right after this, don’t even see Thor and get down with the gospel of salvation and have fun with it,” he told us. “Are you going to do that?” We answered truthfully: no. (At least, not with one of the biggest summer movies about to screen.) “Well, at least you’re honest,” Baldwin said. “Honestly damn well means something these days. It’s about aspiring to live a life of humility because if you do that, then maybe God will present Himself in your life more each and every day.” Or, failing that, Thor from the heavenly kingdom of Asgard.

Stephen Baldwin Recommends Skipping Thor for Salvation