
Now Ben Affleck Looks Like the Sleaze From Die Hard

Photo: John Shearer/2011 Getty Images

Ben Affleck’s upcoming film Argo will feature lots of Affleck looking basically identical to that wise-ass guy Harry Ellis (né Hart Bochner) from Die Hard. It’s one of those things you unfortunately can’t unsee. To enjoy the same Die Hard/Argo-fusion fate, simply scope Affleck’s look from an event this past autumn — or see the full on-set Argo getup — and compare to the following Harry Ellis montage. Voilà.

(But in real life, Argo is about the 1979 Iran hostage crisis and sounds super-good and is Affleck’s first time back behind the camera since The Town. Also, Bryan Cranston.)

Now Ben Affleck Looks Like the Sleaze From Die Hard