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Adam Driver Gets Followed Home by Girls Fans

Adam Driver attends the opening night of Broadway's
Photo: Craig Barritt/Getty Images

When Vulture first ran into Adam Driver at last night’s Virginia screening hosted by the Cinema Society and Shiseido, he was a little reluctant to discuss his sudden Girls fame. We had a quick, pleasant chat about the movie; he told us he’d been in Costa Rica; and that was that. But a few minutes later, Driver was back. “I thought of something I can tell you to answer your question.” Really? “This girl did follow us home the other day,” he responded. That was enough to hook Vulture, so here’s Driver’s full story.

A girl followed you home?
Yeah, yeah. She followed us home from the train.

Did you notice her on the train? How did you know she was following you?
How did this go down? We noticed her behind us and then we kind of ducked away down a thing, a side street, and she was just there. It was very intense.

Did she say anything?
No, she was trying to pretend to take a picture and then it was … it was very weird. She did this [makes funny stalker face motion] and then she left and then she came back and followed us.

That’s crazy.
Yeah, it was intense.

Did you just ignore her?
Driver’s girlfriend, Joanne: I think we made it pretty obvious that we knew she was trying to figure out who Adam was, so we walked by our street and went to a liquor store and waited for her to pass. We didn’t want her to see us go into our building.

Have you had any weird fan mail?
No, that would be really scary.

Gatorade sponsorship offers?
No, no.
Joanne: You get some weird mail when you’re in plays but not for Girls.

Adam Driver Gets Followed Home by Girls Fans