Lena Dunham Discusses Her Dream of Switching Bodies with Jimmy Fallon

Awwwwww. Arguably, many of us pursue creative professions with the hope of meeting the celebrities we crushed on in high school. (If you’re reading this girl who played Topanga on Boy Meets World: how you livin’?) Last night, Lena told a series of escalating stories of loving Jimmy Fallon: Oh, I liked you when I was younger. Oh, I had this signed napkin. Oh, I met you briefly at a party. Oh, I wrote a freaky Friday-esque body switching play, in which I become you and we fell in love. Oh, one time I snuck up behind you at the J. Crew in Rockefeller Center and cut off a lock of your hair. Oh, right before this interview, I went into your dressing room and smelled your chair. It just gets worse from there.

Lena Dunham Discusses Her Dream of Switching Bodies […]