knope 2012

What a Leslie Knope Presidency Would Entail

Leslie Knope already won one big election on the season finale of Parks and Recreation, and now in a column for Variety, Amy Poehler’s character writes about what she would do if elected president.

…[M]y first action would be to hold a large breakfast symposium, comprised of Democrats and Republicans, socialists and libertarians, civil rights leaders, academics and average citizens. And maybe also Beyonce Knowles, who I really want to meet and now can because I’m president. Let’s go ahead and also invite Jason Momoa, from Game of Thrones season one. His pecs will inspire us all to greatness.

A Knope presidency would also include marriage equality, universal health care (“If men get Viagra, women get the pill”), the Supreme Court revisiting Citizens United, tax cuts for the middle class and tax increases for the wealthiest Americans, a “tough but fair” immigration policy, and the reinstatement of Madeline Albright as Secretary of State. “I’m realizing now I’m gonna need Beyonce to just stay at the White House for a while, to keep me revved up,” she concludes. How has no one made a “Run the World (Knope)” video yet?

What a Leslie Knope Presidency Would Entail