
R. Kelly Is Working on a Trapped in the Closet Book Because He Loves Us

R. Kelly will hopefully read the audiobook as well Photo: Youtube

We already knew that there were 85 chapters and a Broadway musical of Trapped in the Closet coming, but R. Kelly must’ve felt that just wasn’t enough (he is right, as always), because he’s also working on a book. In an interview with Fast Company’s Co.Create, he revealed he’s writing the book we saw in the infomercial in the new chapters. R explained this book (aka the new Torah) will be a prequel: “I know where Chuck was before he met Rufus … I know what happened with Bridget and the midget and everybody else’s situation … so I feel like it’s time to introduce them to these people before what they saw.” Hopefully the book contains some of the filler text we saw in the last installment, because how else will we learn if Kelz ever got that spaghetti?

A Trapped in the Closet Novel? Yes, Please