god stuff

Two and a Half Men’s Angus T. Jones Wishes People Would Stop Watching His Show

Two and a Half Men co-star Angus T. Jones wants his living nightmare to end. “Jake from Two and a Half Men means nothing,” Jones says in a video for the Forerunner Chronicles, a Seventh Day Adventist–leaning vlog series. “If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men,” Jones says. “I’m on Two and a Half Men, I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it. Please stop filling your head with filth. Please.” 

The 19-year-old twice invokes the notion of the Laodiceans, a group criticized in the Book of Revelations for being “lukewarm.” According to Jones, “we need to pick our side now.” (Those sides are “with God” and “not with God.”) Later in the video, Jones says that “you can’t be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like [Two and a Half Men]. I know I can’t. I’m not okay with what I’m learning and what the Bible says and being on that television show.”

Jones recently spoke at a Seventh Day Adventist workshop and touched on that same discomfort. “It’s very weird being on a television show, especially now that I’m trying to walk with God, because my television show has nothing to do and doesn’t want anything to do with God,” he said. “So it’s a strange position that I’m put in … I’m under contract for another year, so it’s not too much of a decision on my part. … I know God has me there for a reason for another year.”

Two and a Half Men’s Angus T. Jones Wants Out