
Watch R. Kelly Become Randolph From Trapped in the Closet

By now, you will be very aware that new chapters of R. Kelly’s beloved hip-hopera Trapped in the Closet will premiere November 23 (a.k.a. Black Friday) on IFC. (If not, start with Chapter 23, which will provide all the relevant catch-up information and also explain why your friends have been singing “Where is Chuuuuuuuuuuck?” for the better part of the month.) For those who cannot possibly wait until Thanksgiving, or for anyone who has ever wondered how R. Kelly becomes Randolph, saggy skin and all, Vulture has an exclusive behind-the-scenes clip with the man himself. Think of it as part-Trapped commentary, part-makeup tutorial. (There is also some singing about strippers, just to set the mood.) Enjoy.

Watch R. Kelly Become Randolph From Trapped