The Complete Guide To Everything: Super Bowl 2013

The BIG GAME is next week, and we’re spending every waking moment preparing for it. After some initial confusion regarding the Super Bowl vs. Big Game Hunting, we talk about various foods found at Superbowl parties, Domino’s Pizza foray into different types of food, the merits of having a party every Sunday evening, why Superman can’t play in the Super Bowl, why Batman is a bad detective and debate whether or not an NFL player should be allowed to get a free pass to Disneyworld if it’s possible that he was involved in a violent crime.

We also announce the details of our upcoming tour in UK and Ireland and prepare to be shipwrecked on the way there. If you want more details on our tour, check out

In a new installment of Tim and Tom Solve Your Problems, we tackle a question from a listener who is ashamed of his job working for a charity.

This week’s episode is brought to you by MailChimp. Check out their awesome service for free at

The Complete Guide To Everything: Super Bowl 2013