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Amy Schumer Was the Only Celebrity Not in Madonna’s New Video — Because She’s Opening for Madge on Tour Instead

Definitely not Madonna’s last fuckable day. Photo: Getty Images

Yesterday, Madonna released her much-hyped video for “Bitch, I’m Madonna,” featuring every celebrity under the sun: Beyoncé, Chris Rock, Kanye, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and the list goes on. But despite her increasing cultural significance, Amy Schumer wasn’t one of them. (And we know she knows how to twerk.) That’s because she’ll do much more than phone in a cameo for Madonna: Schumer announced on Twitter today that’ll she be opening for Madge at all three of her New York City dates in September. So why would Madonna choose Schumer, a comedian, over another musician to hype up her crowd? Because Schumer’s an OG fan, as evidenced by the adorable home video she shared of young Amy covering “Like a Prayer.” More proof Schumer has always slayed.

Amy Schumer Is Opening for Madonna