behind the scenes

Your Mom Is Going to Lose Her Lid When She Sees How Sherlock Re-created Victorian London

Do not show this behind-the-scenes footage of Sherlock: The Abominable Bride to your mom while she’s driving. She’ll be so excited, she might accidentally veer off the road, drive up a ramp, and fly her Suburu all the way to the U.K. to watch the special when it premieres on Friday. Which is unnecessary, because she can just watch it on PBS. The video stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman — who, of course, are your mom’s two favorite men on the planet — and creator Steven Moffat as they discuss the slow pace of production required when re-creating the gorgeous, historically accurate London of yore. Everything from the mutton chops to the sunset vistas required more time and more effort, effort that no one will appreciate more than you know who.

Go Behind the Scenes of Victorian Sherlock