last night on late night

Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Returns to SNL and Comes to the Horrifying Realization That He Has to Fulfill His Campaign Promises

It’s week two in Donald Trump’s America, and the president-elect is beginning finally to realize that his colorful promises on the campaign trail perhaps won’t come to fruition after all. The pesky problem with ISIS and Trump’s “secret plan” to stop them? No, it can’t be solved by Google or Siri. Making Mexico pay for a 2,000-mile-wide wall along the border? Our friends down south don’t exactly have billions of dollars to spare. And while we’re at it, he might as well just scrap everything else he promised, like repealing Obamacare and deporting illegal immigrants. (“Keep it, no change!”) Hey, at least he’ll never be impeached with Mike Pence in office.

Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Returns to SNL