what to expect when you're expecting ben affleck to play batman

Ben Affleck Would Like Us to All Chill With the Grilling Him About Batman

Ben Affleck would really like to stop talking about the upcoming Batman movie. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Batfleck was visibly irritated that reporters continue to ask about the upcoming high-profile (and potentially beleaguered) project. “Every time I mention Batman, it’s like this huge clickbait. When I was doing [Live by Night], it took me two years to get it together, but nobody ever asked me ‘Where’s Live by Night?’ (First: Relax! You have Leo in your corner. Second: Maybe that’s for the best?) Even frustrated and rambling, Affleck promised the new Batman is fine, friends — really, come on, it’ll be great. “We’re gonna make something really special,” he insisted. We’re gonna take the time to make it right, we’re gonna do it good, we’re gonna do it the right way, and the fans are gonna love it.” If you say so.

Ben Affleck Needs Us to All Chill on Batman Qs