last night on late night

Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Why People Are Protesting the Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearings

On Tuesday, the confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s proposed cabinet got under way, beginning with his most controversial pick of all: Senator Jeff Sessions for U.S. Attorney General. As expected, his hearing was almost immediately crashed by protesters dressed as KKK members shouting, “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA.” What was all the fuss about? Allow Seth Meyers to take a closer look at why people hate the idea of Sessions leading America’s Justice Department. As it turns out, there’s been a huge oversight among activists’ complaints. If you thought Sessions’s record of bigotry, intolerance, and partisanship should make him unqualified for the job, just wait until you hear about his terrible gym etiquette. No way can the American people trust a man who schmoozes with senators in the locker room. No sir, hard pass.

Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Sessions Hearing