On the Verge: ‘Lady to Lady’

Welcome to our series On the Vergewhere our contributors highlight comedians they feel are ready for their next big break. Whether they’re already working in television or still waiting to land their breakout gig, these are just some of the comedians we’d like to see more of over the coming years – ideally with a show, film, or other comedy project of their very own.

“Have you guys heard about podcasts? They’re great. I just started listening to this pretty underground one, Serial.”

Comedy fans will recognize this conversation starter from every holiday that brings you in close contact with an aunt. Maybe she’s a librarian, or in real estate, but she is going to blow this whole “podcast” thing wide open. Podcasts continue to infiltrate the mainstream, be it through thinkpiece-inspiring controversy or becoming something normal people care about like a book or a television show. Comedy podcasts, especially, are an easy transition to TV. Comedy Bang Bang, My Brother, My Brother and Me, Throwing Shade, and arguably Maron have all jumped mediums. And Lady to Lady should be the next show to make the switch.

Lady to Lady features comedians Tess Barker, Barbara Gray, and Brandie Posey. Each week, they chat with a guest (usually a fourth lady, though they have been known to take French Stewart to Sizzler on occasion). The podcast grew from live shows at UCB and the Hollywood Improv, but more importantly it came from genuine friendship. The three became friends “grinding on the LA standup circuit,” according to Barker. “Brandie was always someone with really great style who ‘got it,’ and Barbara always had a flask in her purse – both of which made mics more bearable.”

It’s this camaraderie that makes Lady to Lady so special. My favorite shows are, at their hearts, about nice people enjoying each other’s company: Friends, Steven Universe, even Bones. In the Snapchat stories they did for Comedy Central, the girls are radiating delight in each other.

“They’re the best,” says Posey. “I really feel like I have two sisters.” The ladies regularly write together, host the podcast and live events, and correspond via an endless group text. “Nobody is a scrub in this bunch,” says Gray. “You know when you’d get a group assignment in school and there was always some kid who was picking his nose or staring at your boobs instead of helping out with the project? None of us are the boogers or boobs kid.”

Beyond work ethic and great chemistry, the ladies of Lady to Lady are certified stunt queens. No wig is too outlandish, no time is inopportune to bring out a shirtless man. They love getting weird with their fans. Recently, the ladies funded a fan meetup in Las Vegas by selling a sex machine that was sent to them unprompted by a porn publicist. Because these are the kind of gals that porn publicists seek out. They packed a party bus with 30 women and took them all to Magic Mike XXL.

This is what I want to see on TV: rad ladies yelling about Britney Spears and peddling sex toys to make dreams come true.

Photo by Meghan Thompson.

On the Verge: ‘Lady to Lady’