the criterion collection

Steven Soderbergh: ‘Those Bad ’90s Movies Were Necessary for My Development’

After breaking out with his first film, sex, lies, and videotape, Steven Soderbergh spent nearly a decade in the wilderness, making films few people saw, and even fewer people liked. But in this exclusive excerpt from Soderbergh’s new introduction for the Criterion release of sex, lies, and videotape, the director explains why movies like Kafka and Schizopolis were an integral step in his artistic development. “I reached a point around ’96 or ’97, where I think some people were probably wondering what happened to me, where was all that potential,” he says. “In my mind, this was all part of the process that I had to go through to find out what version of the entertainment business I wanted to be a part of.” And then he made Out of Sight, so really, it all worked out!

Soderbergh: Those Bad ’90s Movies Were Absolutely Necessary