last night on late night

Timothée Chalamet Keeps Trying to Break It to Steve Carell That Steve Carell Is a Sex Symbol Now

News of Steve Carell’s graceful aging into a silver fox has, for whatever reason, hit the internet in waves rather than all at once, but after the actor’s October 2018 Esquire spread, the only person still baffled by his emergence as a late-in-life sex symbol is, of course, Steve Carell. Luckily, he’s got his Beautiful Boy co-star Timothée Chalamet to remind him. “I’m always trying to tell him, he’s like an icon,” Chalamet laughed on The Late Show. “He said he visited a college campus with his kid. He was like, ‘I was surprised that people were running up to me.’ It’s like, ‘Steve, you’re like a sex icon.” ’

Said the actor, “No, seriously, I’m sure people know. There’s the memes online. There’s the ‘aged like a fine wine.’” Ah, but it can be so hard to believe a meme about yourself. Chalamet was also excited to learn after a little Googling that, based on every photos of Steve Carell and Steven Colbert together, “It seems like you guys are in love.”

Timothée Chalamet Keeps Telling Steve Carell He’s a Sex Icon