Samantha Bee Has an Offer the 2020 Democratic Candidates Can’t Refuse: Drop Out!

Like most of the country, Samantha Bee was having a bit of trouble keeping track of all of the Democratic white dudes who descended upon the debate stages this week. But that’s okay. She has a reasonable solution! You listening, candidates? All 1,000 of you? Start dropping out, yesterday. It’ll just make it easier for everyone. “I was disappointed that none of you announced your candidacy on my show, but you know what’s the next best thing? Dropping out on my show,” Bee explained. “I will throw you a kick-ass drop-out party including acceptable reasons you’re stepping aside such as ‘spending more time with my family,’ ‘party unity,’ or ‘I am Tulsi Gabbard.’” Cakes, balloons, and maybe even vodka will be included. Not a bad deal!

Sam Bee Can Bribe the 2020 Democratic Candidates to Drop Out