quote machine

Hilary Duff Has Our Vote

Photo: Getty Images

“I would also change the weekends to workdays, and have the whole week as a weekend. Then I’d be a popular politician wouldn’t I?” Hilary Duff on what she would do if she were president [Star Pulse]

“I still call up my accountant if I want to rent a beach house for a weekend. I’ll call and ask him, ‘Can I afford that?’” Reese Witherspoon, who commands $29 million per movie [EW]

“It’s a live daily talk show where law, news and pop culture will converge. If we were on today, we might do stories about whether Nicole Richie is maturing, why we are concerned with Hillary Clinton’s cleavage, or the stories of heroism in the recent [Minneapolis] bridge collapse.” Star Jones on the topics her new show will cover [TV Guide]

“Television just seems like vaudeville to me. Nobody I know ever watches a sitcom, ever. It’s a dead medium.”Norm MacDonald on the rise of Internet TV [NYT]

“I really thought, like a lot of guys, that she’d be the loud screaming type. But instead, she just lay there like a dead frog. She even got angry if I started to moan, said it ‘ruined her concentration.’” —Maroon 5 front man and class act Adam Levine on his relationship with Maria Sharapova [Contact Music]
—Elizabeth Black

Hilary Duff Has Our Vote