quote machine

Jay Leno Says Funniest Thing in Years

Photo: Getty Images

“I’ve been working with these people for 20 years. Without them I’m not funny.” Jay Leno on his picketing writers [LAT]

“I was telling my husband that we need some new and better chants, but he reminded me: ‘No writing. None.’” —Striking writer Amy Sherman-Palladino, creator of Gilmore Girls and the upcoming (maybe!) Jezebel James [NYT]

“Network bosses, rich and rude. We don’t like your attitude!” WGA West picketers, exhibit A [LAT]

”I worked with a production designer and other people I’ve never worked with before. It’s nerve-racking and exciting and … you have to be more polite.” Paul Thomas Anderson discussing his new film, There Will Be Blood [EW]

“I kinda made a wisecrack about it, saying, ‘I always knew the jacket would wind up in an institution,’ and they said, ‘You can’t make fun of the Smithsonian,’ and they sent the thing back. There’s no sense of humor at the Smithsonian.” Barry Manilow on his infamous “Copacabana” jacket [OK!]
—Stan Park

Jay Leno Says Funniest Thing in Years