quote machine

The Writers’ Strike Won’t Stop Michael Bay From Delivering a Bad Script in a Timely Fashion

Photo: Getty Images

“I’ve been writing Transformers 2 … I want to make my date. I’m not going to let the strike take me down.” —Michael Bay [Rotten Tomatoes]

“Quentin’s original idea was that Jules would have a big Afro. His mistake was, he sent this young white girl to South Central Los Angeles to pick up an Afro wig, and this is what she came back with.” Samuel L. Jackson on the Jheri-curl wig he wore in Pulp Fiction [MTV]

“I was very arrogant at the time, and I didn’t realize then what I realize now: that a close-up of Steve McQueen’s face is more powerful than the biggest landscape you could put on screen. So I told Steve to go fuck himself, and then I sent the script to Roy.” William Friedkin on casting Roy Scheider in Sorceror [EW]

“I’m really, really, really, really happy to be back. Wait. I want to add another ‘really’ to that.” —Medium creator Glenn Gordon Caron, who is fairly excited that the strike is over [NYT]

“It’s an honor. And the Weinsteins wanted me to be there to help promote it, and blah, blah, all of that stuff. It’s almost an obligation, a contractual obligation.” George A. Romero, who doesn’t seem too sure about why Diary of the Dead was screened at Sundance [MTV]

The Writers’ Strike Won’t Stop Michael Bay From Delivering a Bad Script in a Timely Fashion