repeat offenders

Zooey Deschanel: Two-Time Magazine Killer?

Since we’re huge Zooey Deschanel fans, we’ve always been of the opinion that she can save almost anything (Will Ferrell–starring holiday movies, albums featuring M. Ward’s singing, etc.). But could it be that her charm and appeal has the exact opposite effect on print magazines? Maybe! It’s just been brought to our attention that Deschanel was on the second-to-last-ever issue of Jane magazine (June/July 2008) and the second-to-last-ever issue of Domino (February 2009). Miraculously, Vulture somehow managed to survive our interview with her last March.

Earlier: Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward on Antiques, the Beatles, and Singing Actresses
The Ten Greatest Albums Made by Actors

Related: Domino Is Dead

Zooey Deschanel: Two-Time Magazine Killer?