
Revealed: Will the Battlestar Galactica Finale Disappoint?

As the two-hour series finale of Battlestar Galactica fast approaches, we wonder if any of the remaining mysteries and plotlines will ever be resolved — or if the show will follow The Sopranos, and more recently The L Word, and dash our hopes of ever knowing just what the hell happens (or once happened) to our beloved characters.

Perhaps Ron Moore has written a bulletproof resolution to every loose end the show ever produced. Or perhaps Battlestar Galactica will end with an epic battle between good and evil that will reveal nothing — except for some profound philosophical idea. Of course, the Internet is alive with theories as to which mysteries will be resolved. We can play that game, too. Maybe what it’s all about is delving within ourselves for answers.

Will Starbuck figure out how she was reincarnated, having found her body on Earth?
Likely. She discovered her body early on, and more recently the half-Cylon child Hera drew the notes to the Bob Dylan song that activated the final five. We bet this gets resolved — or they’ll leave it at Admiral Adama’s insinuation from last episode: that he doesn’t care what she is anymore.

Will Anders ever pull himself out of the Cylon-hybrid hot tub?

No. We think he’s plugged in for good. He will probably be destroyed inside the aging Galactica when they jump to Cavil’s evil Cylon base within the singularity. Sorry, Anders lovers.

Related: As the Sun Sets on Battlestar Galactica, the Cast Heads to the U.N. to Reminisce

But wait … does any of this speculation matter? We feel the series centers around the speech that William Adama gave at the decommissioning ceremony on Galatica during the first episode of the mini-series, way back in 2003, saying that “humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive.” All we wanted was for them to survive as they tried to find Earth (which they did — it was a nuclear wasteland) and common ground with the machines they created (which they did — kind of).

The flashback-centric first third of “Daybreak” — with Lee chasing the pigeon, Gaius visiting his senile father, and Roslin finding out that her sisters and father have been killed — wasn’t meant to ratchet up tension but to show just how normal these characters were before the intergalactic shit hit the fan, and the remainder of the human race was forced to flee for survival. We found that gratifying — and it affirmed that there is no satisfying end for so thoroughly jolted a group of people. Nor should there be for us.

Related: As the Sun Sets on Battlestar Galactica, the Cast Heads to the U.N. to Reminisce

Revealed: Will the Battlestar Galactica Finale Disappoint?