i love the situation

Jay Leno Treats the Jersey Shore Cast Like Second-Class Citizens

Leave it to professional underminer Jay Leno* to be the first guy to rain on the Jersey Shore parade. After a series of glorious national-television appearances with the likes of Mike Tyson and Conan “the Solution” O’Brien, Snooki, Pauly D, and the Situation showed up on the Jay Leno Show last night and were grilled with a series of trivia questions intended to make them look as stupid as possible. Jay has always showed a dismissive attitude toward people he feels are beneath him (in the past, these have mainly been tourists), but his rampant streak of jackassery sunk to new lows last night in a piece that was edited in such a brisk and gruff manner that people were supposed to be laughing AT the Jersey Shore cast, instead of with them. Fortunately, though, our heroes came through in the clutch, as Snooki made the crowd and her fellow housemates erupt with laughter when she confused Muammar Gaddafi with Lionel Richie.

Also, the gym teacher from Queens who socked our beloved Snooki in the kisser gave an interview to the New York Post today in which he apologized for his cowardly actions. He admits that he remembers “very little from the time of the incident,” but adds that “When I saw the video, I was sick to my stomach.” And although he hasn’t reached out to Snooki personally, he gave this apology to her by way of the Post: “I’m very sorry for what happened. I deeply regret what happened. Nobody deserves that. That was not the real Brad Ferro.” While that may be true, the real Brad Ferro is still suspended from his job and will be spending an indefinite amount of time in the district’s “rubber room.”

*This isn’t Jersey Shore related, but Jay had the audacity to call Sigourney Weaver a “cougar” last night. Pardon our French, but what a dick!

The Jay Leno Show [Hulu]
Teacher who punched ‘Jersey Shore’ girl apologizes [NYP]

Jay Leno Treats the Jersey Shore Cast Like Second-Class Citizens