
So What Does the Leaked Lost Call Sheet Spoil About the Finale?

In the same week we found out what the new iPhone looks like months before its probable announcement and learned the name of a new Woody Allen movie before it had even been edited, Gawker yesterday posted a leaked call sheet for the second-to-last day of shooting for Lost’s upcoming series finale, probably ensuring that our next several months will be completely surprise-free. ABC’s legal department has already helpfully verified to Gawker that the call sheet (which was left in a bar by a crew member) is real, and making it seem like more than just a red herring are these set photos from yesterday that clearly show the primary location mentioned on the sheet. (Also, we know that J.J. Abrams has had some trouble hanging on to these things in the past.) So what does it actually tell us about the finale? Warning: Stop reading now unless you’re interested in major, potentially show-ruining spoilers.

First, take a good look at Gawker’s call sheet. Apparently in Lost’s last-ever episode, some MAJOR SHIT goes down at a waterfall. (This would seem to jibe with what Henry Ian Cusick told us last week: “What they’re shooting now has been really physically demanding. There’s a lot of wetness and a lot of bruises. I think the stunt work is going to be pretty cool.”)

First, take a good look at Gawker’s call sheet. Apparently in Lost’s last-ever episode, some MAJOR SHIT goes down at a waterfall. (This would seem to jibe with what Henry Ian Cusick told us last week: “What they’re shooting now has been really physically demanding. There’s a lot of wetness and a lot of bruises. I think the stunt work is going to be pretty cool.”)

On the sheet, the scene descriptions are listed out of order, with lots of missing ones in between them (a call sheet is no substitute for a script, obviously). But if you put them in order, something emerges, sort of:

Desmond is lowered via a rope to the bottom of the falls when the waterfall stops. The ground rumbles (“time to say goodbye,” says the call sheet). Jack, at the top of the falls, pulls on the rope, but it’s no longer attached to Desmond. Hurley, after “checking the level of the water,” helps Locke lower Jack down the rope as the earth rumbles more. Jack finds Desmond unconscious and “puts the rock over hole.”

So, Desmond and/or Jack does something in a cavern at the waterfall’s base that makes the ground shake and causes water to rise. The cavern turns into “hell,” Jack’s nose bleeds — which seems to indicate he’s either being sent through time or flashing sideways — and there’s a flood and flash of light. Our guess? The island sinks to the bottom of the ocean (where we saw it in the season premiere), bottling up the forces of hell (remember Jacob’s wine-cork-evil metaphor?), and sending Jack the Sacrificial Savior … somewhere!

Jack in Hell; light returns; water starts to trickle

Jack in pond; nose bleeds; Desmond ascends

Jack consumed by the light & water

So, Desmond and/or Jack does something in a cavern at the waterfall’s base that makes the ground shake and causes water to rise. The cavern turns into “hell,” Jack’s nose bleeds — which seems to indicate he’s either being sent through time or flashing sideways — and there’s a flood and flash of light. Our guess? The island sinks to the bottom of the ocean (where we saw it in the season premiere), bottling up the forces of hell (remember Jacob’s wine-cork-evil metaphor?), and sending Jack the Sacrificial Savior … somewhere!

This is a pretty large spoiler, but on a show with so many moving parts, unresolved plotlines, and an overarching mythology that’s mostly mystery even after six seasons, it’s still kinda meaningless. On Lost, we’ve been conditioned to accept that characters can be killed off and brought back to life the next week, so at this point we’re way less interested in what happens to Jack and the island than why it’s been happening for the past six years. Here’s hoping we find out, and not from a document left in a bar by a tipsy crew member!

Exclusive: What Does This Call Sheet Tell Us About the Lost Series Finale? (Updated) [Gawker]

So What Does the Leaked Lost Call Sheet Spoil About the Finale?