Mark Zuckerberg Portrayed As Conniving, Hampered by ‘Sexual Insecurity’ in Network

It hasn’t been the best few weeks for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. His site has come under increasing scrutiny in recent weeks for its new privacy policy, and now the Times of London has revealed that Zuckerberg, 26, may be in for even more damage control come October when the Aaron Sorkin–scripted The Social Network — which details the creation of Facebook — hits theaters.

Apparently the film, directed by David Fincher, portrays Zuckerberg (played by Jesse Eisenberg) as something of a “borderline-autistic conniver.” The script has Zuckerberg cutting out Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss — who provided the initial funding for the site — after Facebook takes off (the twins were eventually awarded $65 million in court). The movie also shows Zuckerberg “indulging his fantasies” with a string of groupies after he quits Harvard and moves to Silicon Valley, where he built Facebook with Napster co-founder Sean Parker (played by Justin Timberlake).

“Sorkin’s screenplay suggests Parker knew Zuckerberg was driven not just by money or fame but also sexual insecurity. While he is depicted as receiving sex in bars, Parker runs the business.”

Sadly for Zuckerberg, unlike a really unflattering picture, a Hollywood movie isn’t something that can be detagged.

Movie depicts seamy life of Facebook boss [Times UK]

Mark Zuckerberg Portrayed As Conniving, Hampered by ‘Sexual Insecurity’ in Network