
Battles Reveal Album Info

The upcoming Battles album cracked Vulture’s List of 100 Things to Look Forward To in 2011 at a very respectable No. 50 (“Since their last album, 2007’s breathtakingly intricate Mirrored, Battles lost interestingly coiffed core member Tyondai Braxton,” we said then. “But, hey — finally, new Battles!”) Now there is actual information about it: It’ll be called Gloss Drop, it’ll be out June 7, and it’ll feature Gary Numan, Blonde Redhead’s Kazu Makino, Boredoms’ Yamantaka Eye, and D.J. Matias Aguayo. Now go forth and figure out how to start using “gloss drop” as a phrase in your everyday life. [Exclaim!]


Battles Reveal Album Info