It’s Always Sunny’s David Hornsby Is a Comedy Machine

Just a warning before you read David Hornsby’s New York Times profile: you’re probably going to feel like a huge pile of laziness when you’re through with it. “I’m like a decathlete without the body,” Hornsby explains. “I have literally had the thought lately: ‘Geez, I wish I didn’t have to sleep.” Which would free up a lot of free time, considering that Hornsby is currently Rickety Cricket on It’s Always Sunny, the star and head writer for CBS’ upcoming How to Be a Gentleman, co-creator and voice actor for FX’s new show Unsupervised and a voice on Nickelodeon’s Fanboy and Chum Cum. Oh, and last week Hornsby also had a baby. But who has time for human concerns? Hearts are for pumping blood to move your hands to make more jokes, not for feelings!

It’s Always Sunny’s David Hornsby Is a Comedy Machine