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Adam McKay Reveals Anchorman 2 Details

Photo: Dreamworks LLC.

Will Ferrell announced at the end of March that Anchorman 2 was officially happening, but the story line for the movie hasn’t quite taken shape yet, says director and co-writer Adam McKay. “I don’t want to give away too much,” he tells Salon. “Keep in mind we’re still writing the story, but I’ll say one phrase for you: custody battle.” Aw, here’s hoping it’s a non-obvious split, like Brick Tamland and Champ battling over custody of a dog or something, and not Veronica and Ron slugging it out. “I’ll give you one other one,” McKay says. “Bowling for dollars.” Well, that we can all unequivocally get behind.

Adam McKay Reveals Anchorman 2 Details