most valuable stars

Megastar, Indie Ingenue, or D-Lister? Play Vulture’s Choose Your Own Hollywood Adventure

Paparazzi Photographing Celebrity
Paparazzi Photographing Celebrity Photo: Patrik Giardino/Corbis

All this week, you’ve read plenty of articles about Vulture’s customizable Most Valuable Stars project, from the 100 stars deemed most important in Hollywood to the counter-argument that movie stars don’t mean squat these days. But now it’s your turn to take the wheel! (Just make sure to do it soberly, and without flashing any undies at the paparazzi on your way into the car.) Vulture’s devised a special flowchart that, in just a few easy steps, can help you figure out whether you’d have what it takes to become one of Hollywood’s top actors … or you’d plummet straight to the D-list. Which tough career moves would you make in your bid for stardom? Play the game and find out, then share your results with us! And feel free to play a second or third time through by making all the wrong choices, or possibly even swapping genders. This is Hollywood, kid. Anything goes here!

Vulture’s Choose Your Own Hollywood Adventure