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Be Here Sunday Night as Julie Klausner Live-Blogs the Newsroom Season Finale

This is what it will look like on Sunday, with everyone reading Julie Klausner.

On Sunday at 10 p.m., the lovely and talented Julie Klausner (whose Real Housewives of New York City recaps you can read here at Vulture every Tuesday) will be here to live-blog the season-one finale of Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom. We predict that the episode will include some combination of (a) MacKenzie yelling, (b) Will yelling, (c) Maggie yelling, (d) Charlie yelling, and (e) a montage set to a pop song. Whatever happens, Julie will hit you with such hard humor that you’ll feel as if you just walked into a glass door.

Julie Klausner Live-Blogs the Newsroom Finale