Some Samples Before Next Weekend’s Roast

Roast of Roseanne

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Those are some good zings. There is one Ross zing, however, that Comedy Central announced it won’t air: “Seth [Green], congratulations. This is actually a great night for you. You haven’t gotten this much attention since you shot all those people in Aurora. I’m kidding, you are not like James Holmes. At least he did something in a movie theater that people remember.” Alas, as the previews below suggest, there will be enough off-color and/or mean jokes to fill an hour and enough old women don’t have periods jokes to fill a lifetime. Take that, older women, that’s what you get for being totally normal human females and aging.

Roast of Roseanne

Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows

Roast of Roseanne

Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows

Roast of Roseanne

Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows

Some Samples Before Next Weekend’s Roast