Lena Dunham Kind of Enjoys the ‘Girls’ Criticism

“People are ultimately threatened by young people taking positions of power. But there’s also this feeling of ‘I could do that, too.’ People don’t feel rabidly jealous of Larry David or Salman Rushdie because they don’t think, I could do that. And with what I’ve done, I think a lot of people think, ‘I could do that in my sleep. If I’d just met one person along my path, I would have that TV show’… I kind of get off on it because I had a liberal-arts education… It’s a really self-righteous, annoyed, argumentative world. And I loved it. But I don’t wanna engage with people. I think you look crazier when you engage with someone who doesn’t have a fully formed argument.”

- Girls star/creator Lena Dunham talking to Esquire about all that weird half-assed criticism she keeps getting, which she’s handling like a champ.

Lena Dunham Kind of Enjoys the ‘Girls’ Criticism