
This Week’s Breaking Bad GIFs: Walt Falls, and Jesse Spins

Last night’s Breaking Bad was plenty sweaty and plenty bloody. It even prompted our own Matt Zoller Seitz to give my favorite theory for the series’ approaching end: “The last six episodes of this show may end up feeling like the last half-hour of Goodfellas.” We can only hope! Imagine those GIFs. And while you do, check out this week’s set of looped moments.

After digging for hours (thus the episode’s title, “Buried”), Walt stripped down to his famous undies and proceeded to face-plant on the bathroom floor.

Remember when Hank punched Walt? We got the female equivalent of that moment this week, when Marie slapped Skyler. (What? Ladies can’t punch each other, Breaking Bad?)

Saul’s henchmen had an amazing time lounging on Walt’s money. This is desktop-wallpaper quality right here.

And Jesse? Well, he’s still just trying to figure it all out.

This Week’s Breaking Bad GIFs: Jesse Spins