Fun Thing to Buy of the Day: Billy Crystal’s Memoir ‘Still Foolin’ ‘Em’

Everybody knows Billy Crystal even if you can’t recall exactly where you know him from. From the first season of SNL through hosting nine (yep, nine!) Academy Awards ceremonies, Crystal has undoubtedly left his mark in entertainment history. But… where is he now? Just as he turns 65, Crystal, along with the rest of the baby boomer generation, is facing the inevitable consequences of growing old. With his witty and equally earnest tone, Billy looks back on the milestones of his life in comedy, his friendships with icons like Mickey Mantel and Muhammed Ali, as well as the challenges that come with falling into the Medicare bracket. Check out where this funny man has been, where he’s going and where the hell he left his keys in his new book Still Foolin’ ‘Em.

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Fun Thing to Buy of the Day: Billy Crystal’s Memoir […]