road rage

Gwyneth Paltrow Is Not the Most Courteous Scooter Driver

There are two possible ways to interpret the below video, which was apparently taken last week but just surfaced on TMZ. Option one: Gwyneth Paltrow was being followed by the paparazzi who recorded this footage, felt unsafe, and attempted to make a quick getaway, at which point she almost collided with a school bus. (In this context, one would assume that the recent L.A. transplant is relatively new to scooter-driving and was not totally aware of her blind spots.) Option two: Gwyneth Paltrow is an inconsiderate, verging-on-dangerous scooter driver. It’s sort of like Sliding Doors, except in both lives she cut off a school bus. Oops.

Gwyneth Is Not the Most Courteous Scooter Driver