Follow Friday: @Ashley_Barnhill

A lot of Twitter users take to the platform to test out their latest jokes and quips, but certain people truly excel at making us laugh with the available characters and constraints. With the Internet being such a big place, it can be difficult to find the comedians most worthy of your RTs and favs. Each Friday we feature one person whose consistent short-form online humor deserves your attention and to be on your Twitter feed.

This week, we’re highlighting the Twitter feed of Ashley Barnhill. The standup, who got her start in Austin, can be seen performing around LA and practices sketch comedy at UCB. Her standup is full of darkly funny one-liners, which she often tries out on Twitter. She’ll also be starring in two upcoming indie films, Here There Now Year Ago and The Dividing Line. Check out some of Barnhill’s most popular tweets below:

Follow Friday: @Ashley_Barnhill