BoJack: TV-Show Pony No More

We knew him as the beloved talent at the center of the popular ’90s sitcom Horsin’ Around. Playing a father figure to three spirited children with a penchant for waggery, he laid down both laughs and the law each week. But BoJack Horseman’s star has since diminished. Popping up on the occasional unfortunate MSNBSea nightly news segment, his fame has morphed into infamy for such perplexing stunts as telling off the troops. Or more specifically: “Most people are jerks already, and it’s not like giving a jerk a gun and telling him it’s okay to kill people suddenly turns that jerk into a hero.” Now kinda-rehabbed and sorta-spiritual (you know, in that Hollywood way), Horseman is once again a “mane attraction,” playing the lead in the big-screen Secretariat. We do love a comeback, so we asked Horseman what it feels like to get a second chance.

Congratulations on nabbing the lead in Secretariat! What was the most challenging part about preparing for this role?
What do you mean, preparing? Was I supposed to be preparing? I mean, I feel like, in a sense, I’ve been preparing all my life, but I wasn’t supposed to do any actual literal preparation, was I? Or did you just mean “preparing” like, colloquially? Like in commercials, when they say, “Prepare to be amazed.” No one’s actually expecting anybody to really do any preparing, right? You think we could get some air in here? This restaurant is pretty stuffy, huh?

What higher power or avenue of spirituality have you subscribed to during this time of professional transition?
I got a Magic 8 Ball. Actually, I got two eight-balls. One was a Magic 8 Ball and one was a shitload of cocaine. I’m joking. It was just the cocaine.

Looking back on your career, what humbles you the most?
Looking back on my career. Next question?

If you weren’t a horse, what animal would you be?
What’s that animal people always say they wish they were hung like? Oh yeah, me. You’re not drinking your wine. Do you not like the wine?

Do you still keep in touch with Marisa Tomei?
I feel like you’re asking a lot of questions about me. Let’s talk about you — what’s your story? What do you do? You’re a journalist of some sort?

There are many women out there crushing on you, wondering if you are taken or not. What’s the status of your romantic life?
Why don’t you tell me? I mean, you’re the one who … Hold on, is this not a date? I thought this was a date.

Secretariat has long been your dream role. Now that you’ve actualized that dream, what comes next?
Jesus Christ, is this an interview? Why did I think this was a date? Wait, can I change some of my answers? That thing about the cocaine, that was a joke. It was clear that was a joke, right? Where is this going to be printed? Who’s going to read this interview? I gotta call my publicist. This is a disaster. By the way, though, if you would want to go on a date sometime, I would be totally open to that.

(Season two of BoJack Horseman is now streaming on Netflix.)

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BoJack: TV-Show Pony No More