saturday night live

Hillary Clinton Serves Her Doppelgänger Drinks and Advice on SNL

Kate McKinnon’s megalomaniac caricature of Hillary Clinton has become a fan-favorite, sending up the presidential hopeful’s less-than-affable persona with crazy eyes and some intense, teeth-grinding ambition. On the season premiere of Saturday Night Live, McKinnon’s Hillary finally met the real Hillary (in a fake bar). Hillary (the real one) plays a friendly barkeep named Val with open ears for the down-in-the-dumps Hillary (the fake one), who laments how slow she was in supporting gay marriage and opposing the Keystone pipeline.

“I’m just so darned bummed,” McKinnon’s Hillary says. “All anybody wants to talk about is Donald Trump.” Real Hillary then does a gravel-throated impression of Trump’s “You’re all losers” catchphrase before fake Hillary promises to destroy the GOP candidate and wall-mount his hair as a trophy in the White House.

“I wish you could be president,” McKinnon says to Val. On that note, a fake Brooklyn bartender would definitely be a better president than Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton Serves Her Doppelgänger Drinks