
Though Retired, Letterman Has Time to Push Spike Jonze and Bennett Miller on Sexism in Hollywood

The 7th Annual Little Kids Rock Benefit
David Letterman, Santa. Photo: Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Appearing onstage, Santa beard and all, at his alma mater, Ball State University, David Letterman presented us with a gift not made by little elves when he interviewed Spike Jonze (Her) and Bennet Miller (Foxcatcher) about filmmaking. Letterman may appear retired (and like he’s been Rip Van Winkle–ing), but the man hasn’t lost his touch. After asking the two filmmakers about sexism in Hollywood, Miller replied, “I tense up when this subject is broached. It is a hot issue. I’m not a studio executive.” Letterman responded in the best way possible: “Having been very, very successful, now, can’t you devote your career to help others who struggle to be successful?” Miller said he finds that approach “patronizing.” Nah. Add this to Top 10 Reasons Dave Still Has Our Hearts.

David Letterman Still Interviewing, Still Great