vulture remix

Watch the Modern-Day-TV Flash Do Battle With the TV Flash From 1990

We live in a world where the CW’s The Flash is one of the hottest superhero shows on the tube. But there was a time when the DC Comics speedster was a TV dud: Way back in 1990, CBS aired a show about fleet-footed do-gooder Barry Allen. It only lasted a season.

But, as we’ve learned from comic books, when the same character exists on two different planes of time and space, a meeting — and reckoning — is inevitable. In this case, Vulture is happy to play the role of facilitator. For this week’s Vulture Remix, we imagine a titanic meet-up between the Barry of 1990 and the Barry of today, to settle, once and for all, who has rightful claim to the scarlet mantle. (Ratings notwithstanding.)

Come back on Mondays for more Vulture Remixes, and run, don’t walk, to check out our past ones, like the one where Miss Piggy sings Rihanna or the one where Batman v Superman comes out in 1949.

Watch Modern-Day-TV Flash Battle 1990-TV Flash