stolen artifacts

Michael Jackson’s $1.5 Million Gone With the Wind Oscar Is Missing, in Case You Know Any Eccentric Millionaires Who Might Have Taken It

Michael Jackson HIStory Tour
Michael Jackson. Photo: Phil Dent/Getty Images

It is with the saddest of “eeeheee!”s that the executors of Michael Jackson’s estate report that the late musician’s Gone With the Wind Best Picture Oscar cannot be found. Jackson purchased the award, given to producer David O. Selznick for the 1939 film, from Sotheby’s for $1.54 million in 1999. It is unknown if the Oscar was stolen or simply lost following Jackson’s death in 2009, but the statuette has yet to be located at any of Jackson’s estates or in storage. In the extremely unlikely event that you know someone who is literally exactly like Michael Jackson in both their fervent love of Gone With the Wind and their access to millions of dollars to purchase Hollywood artifacts, but also a big enough dirtbag to buy stolen goods off the black market, barricade them in their opulent walk-in humidor and call 911.

Michael Jackson’s $1.5M Oscar Has Gone Missing