
Sweet John Boyega Visited a Children’s Hospital in Character As Finn, Which Might Give Them the Wrong Idea About the Chronology of Star Wars But, Cute

Photo: Lucasfilm

*Pushes up glasses,* Umm, actually, given the fact Star Wars took place “a long time ago,” it doesn’t really make sense for Finn to travel to modern-day Earth, unless he has some kind of time machine, which the franchise’s universe does not establish as canon. What’s that now? “Shut up”? Oh yeah, sure. Sure. Sweet buddy John Boyega stopped by The Royal London Hospital as Finn this week with the nonprofit Rays of Sunshine to distribute The Force Awakens toys to child patients. During his visit, he chatted with five-year-old patient Daniel Bell, who taught Finn all about cool Earth stuff. As Boyega explained on Instagram, “I stayed in character while I was with this brave boy asking him what a car was. He taught Finn about everything earth related! Really thankful for the opportunity this child granted me and I’m just humbled! I hope I played a little part in making you smile young stormtrooper.” Of course, a young stormtrooper would be a conscripted child soldier, which would almost certainly not result in smiles … what’s that? “Stop ruining it”? Oh yes! Sorry.

John Boyega Visits Children’s Hospital As Finn