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Malcolm-Jamal Warner Calls Bill Cosby’s Treatment Unbalanced

Malcolm-Jamal Warner appears on The Real this week to discuss the legacies of the Cosby Show and its embattled star. In a teaser for his pre-recorded chat, the actor calls the media’s Cosby coverage unbalanced, citing other such contentious celebs as Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, and Stephen Collins. “I’m in no position to defend [Cosby], because I can’t,” he says above. “But nor will I throw him under the bus.” Warner has previously said he “can’t speak” to the truth of the allegations against his TV dad; he’s also lamented the loss of The Cosby Show. Roll the clip for his latest thoughts on those topics, and catch the rest of his interview on Monday’s special ’80s-themed episode.

M. Warner Calls Bill Cosby’s Treatment Unfair